
Archive for April 3rd, 2009

This is probably my least favorite time of year in Colorado.  The end of winter will drag out interminably, teasing us with days of 60 degree plus weather intermixed with wet spring snowstorms that kill off the fooled flower buds and snap the trees.  There will be a haze of green in the pastures, just the tips of grass shoots emerging. But don’t be fooled. We’ll have snow and below freezing temps well into May. During these last couple of months, barn chores become one sloppy muddy mess and the alpacas become sorry soggy sights. The timing couldn’t be worse with it coinciding with show season when we want our animals to be looking their best. We’re all waiting for winter to finally leave so we can get on with the serious business of soaking up some rays and some positive attitude.

So you can’t blame me if I’ve been feeling particularly uninspired lately.  After dragging myself and my animals through one such slushy storm at the end of March, I’m feeling rather unenthused about the next go round, which will actually be our own local  Great Western Alpaca Show.  It’s held at the National Western Complex in north Denver, a rather decrepit but revered venue. It has a long history here as host to the National Western Stock show but there’s just no getting around the fact that it is one darn depressing facility, with eroding infrastructure and oppressively low ceilings. It suits my current mood perfectly and that’s probably the problem.

GWAS makes up for the environment by being exceptionally well run. I have to give kudos to the organizers every year. They bend over backwards to make everything run smoothly. And because of our rather central location in the country, we often seen competitors from both the West and less frequently, the East Coast. It’s a big highly competitive show which allows small fry such as myself to swim with the big guns.  Despite my current end of winter blues, I think once I’ve checked in I’ll be in the show spirit again, chatting up alpacas with the friends I haven’t seen in a while.  It’s only hard to actually feel it right now.

So the forecast is for another snowstorm to barrel in tomorrow. I took advantage of the sunny day today to clean up my stall mats and supplies from the last show.  This storm will blow in and wreak havoc for one day and its effects should all melt away Sunday.  Typical for Colorado – changeable and mercurial . Unfortunately, I’ll have moods to match. Then it will all be over, my sleeves will get rolled up and I’ll be filled with renewed energy , ready to be productive and outside again.

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